The End of IE6…Please!

Posted by on Jan 21, 2010 in Development | No Comments

Over at ZDnet Ed Bott says it’s time to stop using Internet Explorer 6. Actually, people should have stopped using IE6 two or three years ago, but there are still people using it today.

Checking my server logs, I see that only 2-3% of people visiting my sites are still using IE6 — small enough that I can probably ignore them — but for some of my clients, that number runs around 5%. For these higher-trafficked sites, I can’t just ignore these users (as much as I’d like to). The sites don’t render perfectly as designed when using IE6, but they do have to work.

So until more of these people upgrade their archaic browser, I as a web developer need to keep testing the sites I build in IE6. But I think 2010 will be the last year I do that.

Are you still using IE6? Upgrade it now — it’s free! Or better yet, avoid security issues and download Firefox or Safari instead.

Related: France Joins Germany Warning Against Internet Explorer

Update: Perhaps the end is beginning? IE6 users to be evicted from Gmail, Google Calendar